Boulevard Fence Replacement Project – Phase III
July 15, 2022
Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 146 authorized construction of Phase III of the fence replacement project. The project is scheduled to begin March 14, 2022, starting at the south end of the project limit on James Long Parkway near Harvest Thistle Drive and progressing north along James Long Parkway toward Oyster Creek. The construction schedule and sequencing for Phase III of the fence replacement project is shown in the map below and will be updated as the project progresses.
The project includes removal of existing wood fencing, which will be replaced with brick walls utilizing the existing stone columns as part of Phase III of the replacement plan. When the fence is removed, the Contractor will erect temporary chain link construction fence to secure resident’s property. The Contractor requests impacted residents secure pets, clearly mark any private utility lines in the yard (such as irrigation, gas grill, swimming pool, etc.) and turn off the irrigation prior to demolition beginning. The Contractor will be working within the existing utility easements and landscape reserves. The District requests that affected residents remove any items attached to the fence, and items that are within five feet of the fence line. Landscaping, decorative items, etc. should be removed or tied back away from the construction area. Residents that will be directly affected by the project will receive additional notifications prior to work taking place behind their property.
For more information about the Fence Replacement Project, or general inquiries related to FBCMUD146 parks and common areas, please contact us through the District’s website at with questions or comments.