Legal Information

Election Information

The next directors election is scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2026. The District anticipates contracting with Fort Bend County to conduct the election and to use the regular County polling places for the election.

Applications for a place on the ballot may be filed from January 14, 2026, to 5:00 p.m. local time on February 13, 2026. For information about the requirements for filing for candidacy for a position on the Board, please visit the Texas Secretary of State’s candidate website, at

Elecciones de la Junta Directiva

La próxima elección de directores está programada para el sábado 2 de mayo de 2026. El Distrito anticipa celebrar un contrato con el Condado de Fort Bend para la conducción de la elección y para utilizar los lugares de votación regulares del Condado para la elección.

Las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta de votación pueden presentarse desde el 14 de enero de 2026 hasta las 5:00 p.m. hora local del 13 de febrero de 2026. Para obtener información acerca de los requisitos para presentar la candidatura para una posición en la Junta, sírvase visitar ele sitio web del candidato del Secretario de Estado de Texas en

Caùc Cuoäc Baàu Cöû Ban Giaùm Ñoác

Cuoäc baàu cöû caùc giaùm ñoác tieáp theo döï kieán ñöôïc toå chöùc vaøo thöù Baûy, 2 thaùng Naêm, 2026. Cô Quan tham gia hôïp ñoàng vôùi Quaän Fort Bend ñeå tieán haønh cuoäc baàu cöû vaø ñeå söû duïng caùc ñòa ñieåm boû phieáu thöôøng leä cuûa Quaän cho cuoäc baàu cöû.

Thôøi gian noäp ñôn xin ghi teân treân laù phieáu laø töø ngaøy 14 thaùng Moät, 2026 ñeán 5 giôø chieàu giôø ñòa phöông ngaøy 13 thaùng Hai, 2026. Ñeå bieát theâm thoâng tin veà caùc yeâu caàu noäp ñôn tranh cöû cho moät ví trí cuûa Ban, vui loøng gheù thaêm website öùng cöû vieân cuûa Toång Tröôûng Tieåu Bang Texas taïi


下一次董事選舉定於2026年5月2日(週六)舉行。本區預計與Fort Bend縣簽訂合約以舉行選舉並在選舉中使用縣常規投票所。


Landowner’s Bill of Rights

Your Water Bill

Click here to see all your water operator's service and billing information.

Your Water Bill

Click here to see all your water operator’s service and billing information.


Trash & Recycle

Click here to see all of your trash operator's guidelines and pick up information.

Trash & Recycle

Click here to see all of your trash operator’s guidelines and pick up information.


New Customers

Please contact the district’s water or trash operator to set up new service.

New Customers

Please contact the district’s water or trash operator to set up new service.


Report A Problem

Click here to report a problem to Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 146.

Report A Problem

Click here to report a problem to Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 146.


Pay Your Tax Bill

Click here to view your districts tax information and pay your tax bill.

Pay Your Tax Bill

Click here to view your districts tax information and pay your tax bill.