Park, Lake and Trail Guidelines
Hours of Operation: Daily from Dawn to Dusk, Year-Round.
Portions of the Parks, Lakes or Trail areas may be closed at any time due to maintenance, repair or operational matters.
- The use of unauthorized motorized vehicles or watercraft in the park, lake and trail areas is prohibited.
- The parks, lakes and trail areas are a tobacco and alcohol-free zone.
- Glass containers are prohibited.
- Trash should be placed in designated receptacles.
- The use of amplified sound equipment for music, speech or entertainment purposes is prohibited.
- The unauthorized use of the parks by for-profit organizations is not allowed.
- Camping, loitering, advertising or solicitation is prohibited on District property.
- The use of gas and charcoal grills is permitted but may not be operated underneath a structure or pavilion.
- Please do not remove picnic tables from underneath the pavilions.
- Fishing from the bank is permitted with a fishing pole, maximum of one fishing pole per person, and no cast nets or trot lines are allowed. No fishing is allowed from any bridge.
- Dangerous wildlife may be present. Please do not feed the wildlife.
- Fireworks are strictly prohibited without prior authorization.
- Please keep pets on a leash at all times.
- Please be courteous and clean up after yourself and your pets.
District Reforestation Program
Reforestation Program – Oyster Creek Greenbelt & Common Areas Initiative
In November 2016, the Parks Committee and the Board of Directors approved a program that allows residents living adjacent to the Oyster Creek Greenbelt and District Common Areas, a mechanism to install new trees in these parks and green spaces. At the request of the residents living adjacent to these areas and the recreational users of common areas, the Parks Committee developed a program whereas residents can pay for the purchase and installation of a native tree in a location mutually agreeable to the resident and the District. So far over 60 trees have been planted through this program. The District is extending the program for the Spring 2024 planting. Orders with be taken through March with planting taking place in mid-April.
The purpose of the Reforestation Program is:
- To provide individual residents the opportunity to install a tree behind their home
- To promote the installation of new native trees along the greenbelt to ensure a native population of varying maturity
- To educate the community regarding the positive environmental impacts of reforestation
- To preserve property values
- To enhance the quality of life for recreational users of the OCG and the Nature Preserve
- To maintain or enhance wildlife habitat
- To sequester carbon dioxide
For pricing or to place your request please contact us at